Latest Weekly Report
For November 19th to November 21st
Collated by Phil VK2MCB

Sunday 19 November 2023
Please note the monthly Zoom meeting will be held on Tuesday 28 November at 0800z. 
Joining instructions at the end of this report.

0630z - 0700z Digital Net
From Bill VK4ZD
Phil VK2MCB, John ZL2JPM, Nick G4HCK and I were present
0700z - 0730z Anzo Net on 7,135 +5-10KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
Nil Heard

0730z - 0830z LP to Europe on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
Tom VK3EO (visitor) was 59 and gave me 59
Peter VK3KCD was 58-9 and gave me 59, also gave 24 to Phil and 43 to John
John ZL2JPM was 56-7 and gave me 56-9
Phil F5FCH was 57 and gave me 59 - Turns 73 yrs on Dec  24, gave Peter 53-4, John 51, Nick 57
Zenek SP5INQ (visitor) was 59 and gave me 59+10
Bob G3SZF was 54 and gave me 57
Nick G4HCK was 54-6 and gave me 57-9
Julio LU6DLB (visitor) was 56 and gave me 57
Ferdinand DJ3GE (visitor) was 55 and gave me 57
Gerald G8AKL (visitor) was 56 and gave me 57-9
Fred PD0FW (visitor) was 56 and gave me 57-9

0900 - 0930Z UK 80m Net on 3.694 +/-
From Bob G3SZF
G3SZF Bob was net control and joined by
G3JJR John
G7OAI John
G3VNT Lindsay
Conditions and reports were fine around UK. Lindsay is researching a new club following the demise of his current club and remains busy with District activities. Bob reported joining the earlier 20m net. Another enjoyable chat, 73s to Brian and other listeners.
0730z - 0800z Tuesday  November 21st EUR net on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
Phil F5FCH was 57 and gave me 58-9
Jean-Pierre F1CFA was 56-7 and gave me 56-8 and gave Con 51-2
Con VK7HCK (visitor) was 59+ and gave me the same
Bob G3SZF was 55 and gave me 57
Raul EC4AT/m (visitor) was 57 and gave me 59
Daniel HB9SHI (visitor) was 56 and gave me 58-9
We went QRT at 0813z
From Bob G3SZF
Late joining but reasonable condx on 20m, Bill VK4ZD good copy 5/7 Jean-Pierre 5/9 on the radio.
Joining instructions for Zoom meeting on Tuesday 28 November at 0800Z

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73 Phil VK2MCB