Latest Weekly Report
For July 2nd to 4th

Some of you will have noticed that the old ROAR website has been resurrected with a new look. Bill VK4ZD, our ROAR Webmaster, has redesigned the website and renamed it Regions of Amateur Radio. This allows us to keep the ROAR name going, albeit with a new meaning, and keep the website name. Tell us what you think. The website is

I have had some suggestions from some of you, for which I am thankful, for new names for our net. These are, in order of receipt:

Regions of Amateur Radio from John ZL2JPM
ROAR2.0 from Peter VK3KCD
RANZ, (Rotarians of Australia & New Zealand) from Peter VK2BX

Thanks again for your suggestions. A couple of us think keeping the ROAR name alive in our website is important to ensure no one else can steal it, allowing so the Domain name to be preserved for our future use.

Let us know what you think. We will schedule a Zoom meeting in the near future to discuss it.

Sunday 2 July 2023
0530z - 0600z Anzo Net on 7,135 +5-10KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
We were on 7,138 due to occupied frequency
Peter VK3KCD was 57-8 and gave me 57
Brian VK2BX was 59+
John ZL2JPM was 56 but had trouble hearing me
Nick VK3FCCK (visitor) was 44-55

0600z - 0630z Digital Net
From Bill VK4ZD
John ZL2JPM, Nick G4HCK, Phil VK2MCB, Reg VK7KK and I were present

0630z - 0730z LP to Europe on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
Gary VK4VZZ (visitor) was 55-6
John ZL2JPM was 22
Peter VK3KCD was 57-8 and gave me 59
Jeff GW3UZS (visitor) was 55 and gave me 45
Jean-Pierre F1CFA was 44 and gave me 53 dropping to 41
Malcolm PA3AHC was 22
Vernon G0EGW was 55 and gave me 57
Nick G4HCK was 44 and gave me 51-2
Jacques F4FCW was 44 and gave me 43
From Nicholas G4HCK
Today was challenging;
Bill 5.4
F1CFA 5.1
G0EGW 5.6
I could hear other stations but the QRN was quite strong.
Nicholas Wilkinson

0800 - 0830Z UK 80m Net on 3.694 +/-
From Bob G3SZF
G3SZF Bob was net control and joined by
G7OAI John
G3JJR John
G0EGW Vernon
Conditions and reports were reasonable between members with some reliance on SDR due to QRM/N. Both Vernon & Bob reported poor condx earlier for the 20m net. Otherwise, an interesting chat about radio and other activities 73s to Brian and other listeners.
73s Bob G3SZF
0630z - 0700z Tuesday  Jul 4th EUR net on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
Ben IW8AWR (visitor) was 55 at 0620z and gave me 57-8
Chris SQ6LK (visitor) was 56 at 0621z and gave me 57
Aldo IW5EKR (visitor) was 56 at 0624z and gave me 58
Vojko S51ZZ (visitor) was 57 at 0629z and gave me 57-8
Raul EC4AT/M (visitor) was 57 at 0630z and gave me 59
John ZL2JPM was 56-7 and gave me 52-3
Jovan YT1WP (visitor) was 54 at 0632z and gave me 57
Nick G4HCK was 53 and gave me 54
Jacques F4FCW was 55-6 and gave me 54-7
Malcolm PA3AHC was 43-54 and gave me 43
Marco IS0XGO (visitor) was 53-4 building to 55 at 0708z and gave me 55
Bob G3SZF was 53-4 building to 55 at 0714z and gave me 55-6
We went QRT at 0728z
From Bob G3SZF
Tues 04 July: Good to catch up with Bill VK4ZD despite the declining propagation and great to see the new embryonic website!



73 Phil VK2MCB